Education News


Two Ladies receive Master’s Degree Scholarships  for Academic Excellence

Two of the 214 graduates from the Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia, Miss. Danielle T. Wornee, age 20, of the Department of Social Work and Miss Juma Patricia Sando, age 20, of the Department of Geography have been awarded two fully-funded master’s degree scholarships for their high academic performance in thesis oral defense and presentation, and academic excellence at Amos C. Sawyer College.


Peace Awareness Campaign to Be launched Today

A local non-governmental peace organization, People Uniting for Peace in Liberia (PUFPIL), in collaboration with Better Future Foundation is expected to launch its peace awareness campaign in Monrovia.


Ministry of Education celebrates Africa's Day of School Feeding

As the Government of Liberia(GoL) enhances efforts to increase enrollment and provide quality Education for all Liberian Students, the Ministry of Education and its partners recently celebrated Africa Day of School Feeding under the continental theme” Boosting Local Food Procurement Systems and Regional Value Chains for sustained Home-grown school feeding”.


Amos Sawyer College bestows Honors on Outstanding Faculty, Staff, Students

Each year, Amos C. Sawyer College of Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Liberia recognizes and celebrates outstanding faculty, students and administrative staffs with special honors and awards.


DG Glassco recommends Diversification in Liberia’s Academic Programs

The Director General of the National Fisheries and Aquaculture Authority (NaFAA) is recommending diversification in Liberian academic programs as a step forward in creating a prepared nation to address current and future challenges and urged that it should serve as a national call for all educational stakeholders including government.


FLY opens National Youth Agricultural Development Seminar

In a drive to empower the dominant youthful population of Liberia in the agricultural sector, the first female President of the Federation of Liberian Youth (FLY), Banica Stephenie Elliott, has again underscored the need for the establishment of youth farms across Liberia's fifteen counties.
