Liberia News

CEMESP holds Elections and Conflict Sensitive Reporting for Liberian Journalists

The Center for Media Studies and Peacebuilding has concluded a three-day training of Community Radio journalists in Gompa City, Nimba County on how they can effectively cover and report   elections in a conflict sensitive manner. The intervention as a preparedness plan for the pending elections is in line with the  Liberia Media Activity Project supported by USAID through Internews.


Voter’s Registration Awareness Campaign Across Montserrado launched

As the Biometric Voters Registration (BVR) process kickoff today, Monday, March 20, 2023 in six of the 15 counties across  the country, the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs G. Wesseh Blamoh has hit the ground running in a pre- campaign awareness, encouraging Liberians to register to vote.


GoL negotiates reduction of Rice Price for Firestone Workers

Minister  Gibson addressing Workers’ Representatives.


As Kickball Federation honors Outstanding Players, Renewed Calls For Their Own Playing Pitch, Calls On Chief Patron's Timely Intervention

At a sizable players, stakeholders Annual Awards Ceremony, officials of the Liberia Kickball Federation celebrated outstanding and talented kickball players for their extraordinary display during the just ended August 21, 2022 League Season.


Friends of Yogboh accuse Montserrado District #12 Representative of Planned Trucking of Voters, But claim refuted

Ahead of this year October Elections, a group under the banner:  Friends of Jerry K. Yogboh, a Representative Aspirant of District 12, Montserrado County,  has alleged  a planned trucking of voters  within the District by the District's Lawmaker, George Beyan Samah.


RHRAP calls on GoL, Liberians to engage in Promoting Free, Fair, Democratic and Peaceful Elections

As Liberia goes to the polls shortly in October 2023, there are several key factors from a broader perspective that need to be considered.


MOH begins 3rd International CHW Symposium Today

The Government of Liberia(GoL), through the Ministry of Health(MoH),  will today, Monday, March 20, 2023 begin its 3rd International Community Health Workers (CHW) Symposium with over 700 delegates to participate from 46 countries around the world.


Take Advantage of Voter Registration Exercise …TPL calls On Citizenry

As the National Elections Commission (NEC) begins the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) process today, Monday, March 20, 2023, the President of Tabital Pulaaku Liberia (TPL), Youssouf Barry, is calling on all citizens of the Republic of Liberia to take advantage of the opportunity to have themselves registered, in order to have the power to exercise their democratic franchise come October 10, 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.


2023 Elections are critical test for Liberian Democracy …says USAID Mission Director at the official launch of LIDEO Activity

The USAID Mission Director, Jim Wright, has said the 2023 October presidential and legislative Elections represent a critical test for Liberian democracy.
