Liberia News

Court sentences 21-Year-Old Man to Life Imprisonment

The Judge of the First Judicial Circuit, Criminal Court ‘A’ Court has sentenced a 21-year- old Man identified as Valington B. Kaiser alias Bishop to life imprisonment for the crime of murder.


Koijee chronicles Verdier’s ‘‘Lies” Against Him

Having realized Koijee’s energy, youthful innovation, exuberance and charisma, the opposition is now stooping to the belly of erstwhile TRC Head, Jerome Verdier with a barrage of unsubstantiated accusations.


Renewing Our Caveat

From our vantage point, we are again sounding a caveat to those who usually use candles, lanterns and other materials that cause fire outbreak to be very mindful how they use them.


NEC Under Spotlight Again …given Ultimatum Over “Unqualified” Legal Counsel, Others

With barely a little over seven months to the holding of the much-publicized Presidential and Legislative Elections, the National Elections Commission (NEC)  is under the spotlight of controversies once again.


In Compliance Audit of LISGIS for Four Auditing Periods US$5M, L$28M ‘unaccounted’ For

The General Auditing Commission(GAC) Compliance Audit of the Liberia Institute of Statistics and Geo- Information Services (LISGIS) for the Period July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020, for the Period July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018, for the Period July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 and for the Period July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020  says authorities at LISGIS could not  account for the amount of US$5 Million United States Dollars and L$28Million Liberian Dollars respectively.


LRP Political Leader preaches Doctrine Of Equality, Others

As he got the preferment there must be equality and a respect for a rule of law, something he noted an LRP-led administration has outlined basic ingredients that the country needs or would need in order to move forward on par with the comity of other nations across Africa and the globe.


In Montserrado District #10 Master Junior Russian petitioned for Representative seat

Presenting the petition to Master Junior Pewee Russian, Marcus C. T. Marshall who read the petition on behalf of the district residents, highlighted that they agreed to petition of the athlete many contributions to the security, educational, health care and sports developments of residents of the district.


Rep. Gwaikolo calls for Shift from Usage of Fossil Fuel to Renewable Energy

Parliamentarians from Least Developed Countries (LDC) are currently convening in Doha, Qatar to attend the UN Convention on Least Developed Countries.


EU, German Gov’t Supported Vocational School kicks Off in Bentol

As part of the many efforts aimed at providing marketable skills for the youthful population, specifically for youth in Montserrado County, the official groundbreaking ceremony of a state-of-the-art technical and vocational training center has taken place in Bentol City, Montserrado County.
