Liberia News

‘We will ensure that this is not swept under the carpet’ …says Ex-Chief Justice Scott of Attack, Killing at Her Residence

Former Chief Justice of  Liberia Gloria Musu Scott has vowed to ensure that the killing of her daughter will not be swept under the carpet through the help of the International Community- diplomatic missions.


‘I have never in my life killed a chicken least to say waste blood of human being’; Koijee dismisses Verdier’s Claims of Murder and Attack

Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson Tamba Koijee  says he has never in his life killed a chicken least to say waste the blood of human being.


As Jerome Verdier Makes Startling Revelations, 'I Waive My Rights, Investigate Me'

The Special Assistant of the Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Mr. Cletus Noah, on the February 25th edition of the Spoon Talk was accused by Cllr. Jerome Verdier, as the person who made the phone call to Matthew Innis to meet his boss at his home, which led to his untimely death. According to Cllr. Verdier, Innis met his untimely death at the hands of the Minister of Finance’s instruction.
