Heritage /27/Dec/2024
Ambassador Lewis Garseedah Brown, a former Chief Negotiator of Liberia’s peace, and Permanent Representative of Liberia to the United Nations, in New York.
The Liberian-American charity international group styled, Friends of Liberia Food and Water, incorporated over the weekend celebrated a milestone achievement in Liberia with the construction, dedication and turning over of free 100 modern Wells with Hand Pumps within 8 counties throughout the country.
As part of the many activities in commemoration of the holy month of Ramadan, the United Da’Wah Ummah of Liberia at the weekend held a national Quranic competition with representations drawn from all the 15 counties.
A group of aggrieved residents of the Fendell Area outside Monrovia early Monday Morning, April 3, 2023 staged a protest in demand of what they called their resettlement money.
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